Rediscovering Hawai‘i’s Soul Network Gathering
Rediscovering Hawai‘i’s Soul
2024 Network Gathering
Join us for the second gathering of RHS network as we continue to build a network of system leaders in Hawai‘i who together, are committed to honor, protect, and perpetuate Hawai‘i’s Soul.
Rediscovering Hawai‘i’s Soul
2024 Network Gathering
July 24-26, 2024
Hawai‘i Convention Center
1800 Kalākaua Ave., Honolulu
Purpose: To build a network of system leaders in Hawai‘i who are committed to journeying together to honor, protect, and perpetuate Hawai‘i’s Soul
- To continue to foster relationships, based on trust, reciprocity, and respectful exchange
- To build a shared understanding of Hawai‘i’s Soul and surface insights about how the teachings can be applied in practice
- To advance on our shared collaboration agenda to create a better future for Hawai’i – its people, ‘āina, waters, and ocean
We encourage you to share this invitation with your colleagues who you feel may want to learn more about Hawai‘i’s Soul and may be interested in joining this growing network.
Register by Wednesday, June 19, 2024. Space is limited so please register today.
Register for the 2024 Network Gathering
If you need to apply for a scholarship to attend the gathering, please complete this form.
$100 per person or
$75 per person if 3 or more people from the same organization attend
Parking $15 per day with validation
Please note: cancellations must be made by July 10, 2024 for a full refund.
Email [email protected] with questions.
Rediscovering Hawai‘i’s Soul is a collective effort that requires a commitment from all of us who call Hawai‘i home. It is a journey that includes the collaborative efforts of partners from multiple sectors and across the islands. Hawai‘i Executive Collaborative provides backbone support to the growing network.